Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Loans Increasingly More Difficult to Obtain

Yes, lots of mortgage money is available. However, for many, the requirements to access this available money is still getting more stringent. FannieMae (FNMA) announced earlier this week that they were Increasing the 'Declining Market Delivery Fee' to .5% as of October 1st (which will of course be passed onto the consumer in the form of Higher closing costs or Increased interest rate).

Also, another trend is 'Credit-Scoring' the interest rate. Although this has been the case for quite some time, the Secondary Market is now looking at slicing the rate into far more credit score tiers.

I don't disagree with the rational of all of this, however, for anyone lookig to buy in the near future (that does not have a very high credit score) should not try to time the bottom of the market because it could really end up costing you more in the end.

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